How do you handle abandonment?

Do you find strength in your isolation?

Or do you reach out and gain strength through others?


Move: Arrow keys

Interact: "X"


In this short game you play as an excommunicated nun, figuring out how to handle isolation.  On her journey she discovers hidden abillities within. The game was created as part of a personal 5 day challenge for the group.


Annika Yau Andersen: Programming, Level design, SFX  -  @annika.yau

Clara Thulin: Programming, Assets, Writing  -

Martin Jacobsen: Writing, Assets, SFX  -  @mess.pen

Sara Lisinka Nielsen: Assets, Level design  -  @lisinka.draws  /  Portfolio


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nie but think need fix

Hi!! Thank you so much for playing our game!🫶

And another thanks for notifying us about the bug, it should be fixed now, along with some other small fixes. You should be able to actually complete the game now, haha. 🐛🔧

Have a great day :))